Pool Square Meter Area Calculator
1. Take measurements of Depths, Length and Width.
2. Calculate Total Surface Square Meter Area:
Enter Width, Length, Depth in Shallow and Deep End in meters eg. 5.35m = 5.35

Enter Width: m | |
Enter Length: m | |
Enter Depth Shallow End: m | |
Enter Depth Deep End: m | |
Total m² Area = |
CSM 450gsm: kg | |
Resin 2.5:1 Ratio: kg | |
PoolCoat 600gsm: kg | |
Catalyst 2%: kg |
3. Estimated Material Quantities Required:
(a) CSM based on 450gsm.
(b) Resin calculated at a 2.5:1 Ratio.
(c) PoolCoat based on 600 grams per square meter.
(d) Catalyst quantity based on 2% and includes Resin and PoolCoat.
(e) Calculated totals are estimated and depends on usage.
(f) Applies to one layer only.
The information included in this document is given in good faith and is intended to assist you the customer in determining the suitability of this product for your application. Due to the diverse applications and conditions in which many of our products may be used, we request that you, the user, test and inspect our product to satisfy yourself of its contents and suitability for your specific need. This document does not constitute any guarantee or warranty expressed or implied. The exclusive remedy for all proven claims is replacement of our product and under no circumstances shall we be liable for any special, consequential or incidental damages.